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<strong id="luel4"></strong>
        1. 磁力泵
          Sales of Pumps Transferring Corrosive Media Sales of Metallurgy Industry
          Sales of Pumps High temperature medium Sales of Chlor-Alkali Industry
          Sales of Pharmaceutical Industry Sales of Aniline
          Sales of Power Plants Sales of Fluorochemical Industry
          Sales of Magnetic pumps with Jacket Sales of Foreign-Capital Enterprises
            Copyright  ©  2016  Taicang Magnetic-Driving Pump Co.,Ltd
          Add: No.11 South Chengxi Road, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China       Post  code: 215400 
          Tel: +86-512-53525240   53522127    53529584  Email: tcclb@tcclb.com.cn